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Motherwell is the concentration depot for the area, with sub depots at Edinburgh and Carstairs. There are 25 passenger engines allocated to the depot and 90 freight engines, the area allocation being 205 engines. A number of standard 2-8-0 engines are allocated to the depot and are engaged on Law Junction and Leeds workings.
The staff at the depot , apart from supervisory and clerical grades, consists of 540 footplate staff, 74 artisan staff and 96 shed grades, and in the area 923, 132 and 170 respectively.
The shed is of old design with two hand coaling stages, one at either end of the shed yard and a scheme is in hand for the modernisation of the depot with the provision of a mechanical coaling and ash lifting plant. The average daily consumption of locomotive coal is 300 tons, principally of the lower grades.
A 70-ft. turntable is provided fitted with vacuum tractor.
The depot is equipped with No.1 equipment for the carrying out of repairs and all classes of normal engine shed maintenance can be dealt with. This equipment consists of :-
Wheel Lathe with journal truing attachment
12" Gap Lathe and. 7" centre Lathe.
24" Planing Machine.
3' 6" Radial Drill and Sensitive Drill.
15-ton Hydraulic Press.
24" Wet tool grinder.
Whitemetalling Hearth with gas jets.
Coppersmith Hearth & Blacksmith Hearth.
There are two steam cranes allocated to the depot, one of 20 tons and one of 50 tons capacity and on account of the crane power available very heavy calls are made upon the breakdown staff, who are required on many occasions to proceed to points outside the Motherwell area.
There are Canteen facilities at the depot and a hostel with 30 beds for enginemen is provided.
The original Workshop formed part of the Caledonian Railway organisation and being situated in one of the largest industrial and coal-mining areas in Scotland, dealt conveniently with light repairs to wagon stock. The Workshop was then under the supervision of the Locomotive Foreman but following the amalgamation these Shops were taken over by the Carriage and Wagon Department and enlarged and re-equipped for heavier repairs. The covered area was increased by 1,800 sq.yds. to approximately 1¼ acres. An 8-ton overhead travelling electric crane, electric capstans, new wheel lathes, drilling and woodworking machines were installed. Outside siding accommodation was also increased and can now accommodate approximately 250 wagons, a large number of which can be under repair.
The Wagon Repair Shop has accommodation for the repair of 70 wagons, and. a staff of 87 employees maintain an output of 1,050 wagons per week.
Compressed air is obtained by pipe line from the adjacent Locomotive Depot.
The equipment includes a wheel turning lathe, journal lathe, screwing machine, drilling machine, circular saw, mortising and tenoning machine, timber boring machine and testing plant for vacuum brake.
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February 16th, 2025
Site contents Copyright © LMS Society, 2025