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LMSS Masthead

Fostering Interest in Research & Modelling of the London, Midland & Scottish Railway


A Record of Large-Scale Organisation and Management,


In 1923 the company took over 86 steamships, 29 of which maintained the Irish Cross-Channel services. In 1938 the 29 had been reduced to 15 by the introduction of ten up-to-date vessels and rearrangements of the services.

The new ships were equipped with all modern amenities. An interesting development was the new "Princess Victoria" on the Stranraer-Larne route. Built in 1939 this ship was a combined passenger and motor-car carrying vessel, capable of carrying 1,500 passengers and 50 cars. She was sunk on active service during the war and is now being replaced. Apart from the Irish Sea services, the company's vessels operate between Goole and the Continent, on the Clyde and on Lake Windermere.

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